Film Review

For the film review, I had two people review my opening sequence. I had two classmates review the opening sequence. I choose to have these two classmates specifically review my opening sequence for a few reasons. These classmates and I do not know each other very well and they are both in a higher grade level than me. I did this to ensure there is little to no bias toward me and my work. I also did this to ensure there will be an honest critique. I showed them both the video separately and asked that they give their opinion, along with any changes they deemed necessary. The two classmates both enjoyed watching my opening sequence. They both said that it was well put together and that it made perfect sense. A critique I got from one of the classmates was to make the beginning of the opening sequence more concise. This was so that viewers would be able to better understand what the main character was trying to say. She was specifically referencing the voiceover, which I completely agreed with. She thought that the voiceover was too long and wordy. She additionally stated that it would be too difficult for some of the viewers to digest in a short sitting. I began to make the changes she suggested to the voiceover I had in the beginning of the opening sequence. I believe that this improved the overall quality and flow of the opening sequence. A critique I received from the other classmate was that I switch a few scenes with each other. Two of the scenes being the beginning scenes, where I am journaling. The other scene being that I switch the clip of me crying on my bed and me cleaning my window. His reasoning for changing around the scenes was that it made more sense that the sequence of events happened in that order, rather than how I had it beforehand. I agreed and I made the following changes. Overall, I am thankful to the classmates I had review my opening sequence. They were a great help and I hope their critiques improved my opening sequence!


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