Audio Issues are Solved!

Today, I continued the work I had left from the day previous. I believe it was a good idea for me to leave the editing for another day. During the day in between that I did not edit, I was able to find a few solutions to my troubles. I watched a few tutorial videos on how to utilize sound in iMovie and how to maneuver the iMovie sound settings. I found this to be extremely helpful. I even learned a few new tips. I applied the knowledge I learned and used it while editing. I can say that this made editing feel like smooth sailing. Through the videos I had watched, I realized I had been making various mistakes. Some of these mistakes included me not holding the audio blocks long enough when I wanted to move them. Another mistake was me not knowing how to edit the audio blocks to create the fading effect. This took a few tries, as well as a few tutorials to figure out how to do. However, once I figured it out, I realized how easy iMovie is to maneuver and utilize. The fade feature on the audio blocks were especially cool to learn about and to use. Although I wanted these calm waters to last, I knew that they would not last forever. I soon ran into an issue: the title sequence. I realized the length of the title sequence was not matching up with the amount of time we are allowed for the opening sequence. Our opening sequence cannot be longer than 2 minutes. With the title sequence and the entire opening sequence, I was at about 2 minutes and 36 seconds. This caused a major setback in my editing progress. I had to cut down on 36 seconds of content. This did not seem like a big deal to me at first. I initially thought, “Oh well! That’s not too much time to cut down on, this should be easy.” I was extremely wrong. I didn’t realize just how much I had filmed and how much I wanted to put into this film. I had a similar problem in the last project we did for the class. I tend to over film to ensure that I am not extremely below the time constraint. However, more times than not, I end up having to cut down on time, which is a bit upsetting to me. Having to take out certain clips from the opening sequence was a bit bothersome, as I felt that the clips could’ve potentially made the opening sequence better. However, I did end up cutting out a few clips to ensure that the entire title sequence was in the opening sequence.


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