Title Research: I’m Fine (Thanks for Asking)

1. How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film? Which ones?

There are 14 titles total that are displayed during the opening sequence of the film. These titles include the studios that produced the film (“A Kaliwood Production” and “In Association With Cole Blooded Inc.”), the names of the cast (Kelley Kali, Wesley Moss and Deon Cole), producers (Capella Fahoome and Deon Cole), editors (Angelica López and Katie McClellan) writers (Kelley Kali, Angelique Molina and Roma Kong) and directors (Kelley Kali and Angelique Molina). 

2. What connotations do the images carry? (how do you they make you feel)

The connotations of the images make you feel exactly how it is displayed. You feel the heat of a summer day of skating around your neighborhood, having fun. Many shots are tracking shots and medium long shots, which further this feeling onto viewers. These specific shots force the audience to focus on what the actress is doing, which is roller skating around and having fun, enjoying herself. The tracking shot specifically, makes the viewer want to move around as well, contributing to the original connotation of moving around and having fun.

3. How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset? (Can you tell what genre the film is)

The genre is made obvious throughout the opening sequence. It is made obvious through the usage of non-diegetic sound utilized, as well as the costume and lighting. The non-diegetic sound is a rap song, which follows the main character throughout the opening sequence. This sets the mood for the film, which is a drama. As the main character is skating through what seems to be her neighborhood, we start to realize who the character is as a whole.

4. What conventions are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?

The usage of non-diegetic sound is the primary convention that will be utilized to appeal to the film’s target audience. Seeing as how the opening sequence was progressing slowly, with no real plot, it is safe to assume that the rest of the film will be similar to the opening sequence. This is to say slowly building up to a plot, which is typical of a drama. Additionally, the rap song is not fast paced, but rather a slower, more chill song, which also contributes to the convention of music. 




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