Title Research: Corp + Anam
1. How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film? Which ones?
There are 11 titles displayed during the opening sequence. These titles included names of the cast, producers, writers, the studios that produced the film, editors and supervisors for different departments, such as lighting.
2. What connotations do the images carry? (how do you they make you feel)
The images are shocking and gruesome, ranging from roadkill to maggots crawling around to people smoking. The connotation is obviously related to crime and death, symbolized by the dead animals and people participating in illegal activities. The images make people feel on edge and uncomfortable. The images also intrigue people, to see what will happen.
3. How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset? (Can you tell what genre the film is)
The genre of the opening sequence is made very clear from the first couple of seconds. As mentioned previously, the images are meant to shock the audience and make them feel uncomfortable; it is made to show the “rougher” side of the town, the more rough lifestyle. It is also used to show the intrigue to the crime taking place in the opening sequence. The intrigue is utilized to demonstrate the tension between people in this area, leading the audience to perceive the opening sequence as a drama.
4. What conventions are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?
The conventions that are used to appeal the target audience are the explicit images of animals and people, as well as the heavier rock metal song played throughout the entire opening sequence. These conventions appeal to the target audience because it is introducing the possible crime and drama within the film. It also shows multiple clips of animals, symbolizing life and death, which would appeal to those who are interested in crime/investigatory dramas (examples of this would include the birth of a baby, the old woman sitting in a wheelchair, the maggots and the cat catching a mouse).
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