Title Design Websites

I am researching this particular site to learn how the process of creating a title design goes. Looking around the site, I found a few articles discussing how intricate title design can be. One article in particular about “The Queen’s Gambit” included an interview with the title designer and animator for the show’s title designs. The interview discussed in detail how the title design was first thought of, the many drafts and sketches and how the official and final title design came to be. It also included how the title designer, Saskia Marka, was able to incorporate her extensive education in physics into the animation. She states that while she was completing her PhD, she was experimenting with a software and discovered that she was able to use geometric patterns as a design. Once she finished her PhD, she built her way up in the film industry with her designs. Her interview explains how the process of creating the title design can be an extensive one. It also shows that by incorporating information from other subjects like physics in the title design process, it can make a huge difference. This specific story will be useful to me because it now allows me to feel comfortable bringing in information that I have previously learned into the title design process. 



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