Location, Participants, Health, Schedule, Backup plan


3/7/22 - Filming will officially commence. I am leaving myself a few days before I film in order to get all my filming equipment ready, as well as to plan out how I will film, based on my storyboard. I will be filming scenes 1-5 today, as well as the necessary voiceover.

3/9/22 - This will be day 2 of filming, which will include the rest of the scenes that need to be filmed, as well as the voiceovers.

3/11/22- Editing will begin. I will be utilizing iMovie to put all the clips together and overlap the voiceovers.


I will be filming at my house, the roads near my house, the beach and the library. 



    Actors: Megumi S.

    Filming: Megumi S.

    Editing: Megumi S.

    Directing: Megumi S.

Health and Safety

To ensure the safety of myself and those who will be appearing in my film (including my family), I will always have an adult with me, as well as having access to a phone to call 911 at all times. Since there will be a few shots of me driving, I will also ensure that I will have my learner’s license, as well as an adult over 21 years old with a driving license. Additionally, there will be shots of me in public or interacting with others. Although I am vaccinated, I will also be sure to utilize a mask when needed and washing my hands or using hand sanitizer.

Backup Plan

There are several locations I am planning on filming at during my film. In the case that I am not able to film at my house, I will film at the library and the surrounding area of my house. If I am not able to film at the library, I will instead film at a bookstore or at a nearby park. Additionally, if I am not able to drive with an adult, I will instead have an adult drive or walk around my neighborhood. 



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