Genre Decision: Drama
My opening sequence genre will be drama. I chose to do drama over the other genres I chose to research for various reasons. The other genres I researched, horror and fantasy, didn’t align with my storyline as I would’ve liked. Horror would’ve been an interesting turning point for the opening sequence. It also would've made a very modern take on the horror genre. However, given that the opening sequence is two minutes, I didn’t feel that I would have enough time to incorporate a full horror plot into the film without it feeling rushed and messy. The ideas I had for the horror genre would've made more sense and would've been better developed had the time for the opening sequence would've been longer. The fantasy genre wouldn’t have run smoothly either. Based on my pitch idea, the fantasy conventions wouldn’t have made sense nor would it had ample time to fully develop within the two-minute opening sequence. The fantasy conventions included magic, a make-believe world, escapism or idealistic mindset or thinking, and usually a long and difficult journey filled with peril and battles. Other than the long and difficult journey and the escapism conventions, I would not use any of the other fantasy conventions. I would use the long and difficult journey convention as a metaphorical, mental representation instead of a physical representation of it. Additionally, I would use the escapism convention also as a mental representation rather than a physical representation. I feel as though using these conventions in a mental way, rather than a visual way will better suit my opening sequence and my storyline and script. All in all, I believe the drama genre will suit the opening sequence better than the other genres discussed. The conventions of the drama genre align well with my storyline and script. It also makes more sense for my opening sequence to be in the genre of drama than horror or fantasy. The drama genre is also one that I enjoy watching. Based on the past films in the drama genre that I have watched, I feel as though it will not be difficult to create the opening sequence. Additionally, it is much easier to create the opening sequence in the drama genre, in my opinion.
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